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Clinical Governance

Privacy Policy

At May Health we value clarity, therefore, we have endeavoured to communicate our Privacy Policy in a way that is easy to understand, and explain how we collect, retain, maintain, and use your data.

May Health's management of personal and sensitive information is consistent with the expectations found in the Privacy Act (1998), and the Australian Privacy Principles under that Act. May Health also adheres to the ethical standards governing confidentiality and privacy contained within the Code of Ethics for the Australian Health Practitioner's Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

While you are receiving care from a clinician contracted with May Health, the organisation is responsible for securely storing and maintaining your medical records. Should your clinician leave May Health, your medical records will be transferred to that clinician for ongoing secure storage and management per industry standards. However, you have the option to request that your records be transferred to another clinician within May Health if you prefer.

Collection of Personal Information

May Health will be required to collect personal information from you to be able to offer you the best possible service, meet our legal requirements, and ensure that administrative functions (e.g. appointment scheduling, payments) can occur.

The information our administration team will collect from you include:

  • Name and Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • Relevant Contact Details (address, phone, email)
  • The Reason for your Contact
  • Federal Health Identifiers (e.g. Medicare)
  • Financial Information (e.g. for billing and processing of rebates)

During the course of the consultation, your May Health clinician will maintain contemporaneous notes as required by professional note keeping standards. This facilitates a high quality service, and ensures your needs are being appropriately managed.

The information collected during consultation might include:

  • Presenting issues
  • Background and historical information
  • Family history
  • Progress
  • Relevant issues discussed during the course of the service (assessment, intervention, review, etc.)

Management of Personal Information

In most instances your information will be kept in electronic format, however, hardcopy may be used at times. May Health takes reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, and loss, as well as unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure. Electronic client information at May Health is stored and managed through a Client Management System called Halaxy. Halaxy operates from Melbourne and protects its data securely within Australia. Your information is protected by 256-bit bank grade security and encryption; meaning patient records, notes, and payment information are protected to the same level required by Australian banks. Hard copy client information is securely stored in locked filing cabinets on the premises.

May Health also utilises some third party integrations within Halaxy to manage accounting, client payments, and relevant rebates (e.g. Medicare). These third parties are:

  • Xero: accounting software used to support financial and accounting functions for May Health
  • Medicare Australia: to access Medicare rebated sessions.

Further information regarding Halaxy’s Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions can be found here:

Disclosure of Personal Information

May Health will not disclose your personal information without your verbal or written consent, unless under the following conditions:

  • If you or another person’s health or safety are at significant risk of harm
  • If required by legislation in the event of a subpoena or if there is reasonable suspicion that a child is in danger
  • If you own a firearm and there are concerns about your physical or mental state
  • If you are under 16 years of age and are engaging in self injurious behaviours (these risk issues will be discussed with legal guardians)

If you are accessing rebated sessions or third party funding for your services at May Health, there are standardly third party reporting requirements associated with your referral pathway. This third party communication may involve providing a brief summation of your consultations, report on progress toward the purpose of your attendance, or outcomes of assessment services. Your May Health Clinician(s) will inform you of any third party reporting requirements associated with your referral pathway, and obtain your consent in regard to any third party reporting arrangements.

Clients can also complete our Information Sharing Form, enabling the sharing of information between May Health, and other professionals involved in your care. For instance; you may want a health professional or the relevant person outside of May Health to access the information that is held by us. Please ask our administration team for a copy of the May Health Information Sharing Form if / when needed.

Request to Access and Correction to Client Information

If you would like to access your client record, we require that you make the request in writing to your May Health Clinician or our Administration Team. You will be contacted to discuss options for access to information.

May Health Data Retention Policy

May Health conforms to the required client data retention periods as described in the Privacy Act (1988). Client information will be retained for 10 years following the last clinical contact. For people under 16 years of age, client information will be retained for 10 years following the last clinical contact, or until they achieve the age of 26 years (whichever period is longer). Following this period of time, your personal information will be securely destroyed.

Website Cookie Use

Our website uses cookies, which is a small software application allowing a website to recognise a previous user, and to observe how a user navigates within a website. The primary purpose for May Health using cookies on the website is to track the numbers of people accessing our website and to improve the website experience. Web browsers can be configured to reject cookies.

Enquiries & Complaints

If you have any further questions regarding privacy and confidentiality at May Health, please consult with our Administration Team, or your May Health Clinician(s). If your enquiry cannot be satisfied, it will be elevated to the Director.

If you have concerns or a complaint in relation to privacy and confidentiality at May Health, please put it in writing to our Administration Team, and consult our Completing and Grievance Policy for further information.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy continues to be reviewed and may be subject to change based on the feedback of our clients and any subsequent changes to legislation or workplace practices. You will be informed of any changes of significance.

Rights and Responsibilities

Clinicians' Professional Responsibilities

  • To be registered with the Australian HealthPractitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and abide by all rules and regulations
  • To maintain ongoing professional development requirements and commit to evidence-based mental health practice
  • To take all reasonable measures to ensure high quality mental health care is provided

Patient Rights

  • To be treated in a safe environment that meets the standards determined by AHPRA
  • To be treated with respect, dignity and courtesy, and without discrimination, including culture, gender, race, colour, religion, nationality, age and ability
  • To privacy and confidentiality; please consult the May Health Privacy Policy for further information
  • To request personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act (1988)
  • To be informed of the evidence-base and decisions associated with service provision
  • To have the lived experience of mental illness considered and respected
  • To terminate services at any time
  • To seek second opinion in regard to services accessed at May Health
  • To be informed of the costs associated with services
  • To involve parents, guardians, or support persons in accordance with relevant legislation
  • To provide feedback to May Health to assist us in continually improving our service provision

Patient Responsibilities

  • To show respect and courtesy to May Health staff
  • Attend or cancel scheduled appointments accepting of the May Health Cancellation Policy
  • Pay for the service received on the date of the service
  • Attend the service requested in an appropriate state to be able to engage effectively
  • Be on time for the appointment

Feedback Policy

Feedback Policy

At May Health, we are committed to upholding a standard of excellence in our service delivery. We sincerely appreciate your insights and observations which aid us in enhancing our services.

Feedback Procedure

Should you have any reservations or comments regarding the services you have received, we encourage you to communicate directly with your service provider at the earliest convenience. They are equipped to document and address your concerns, whilst ensuring to keep you informed of the developments regularly.

In instances where your feedback pertains to broader aspects of May Health, please liaise with our Administration team, either verbally or in writing. We are dedicated to addressing your concerns swiftly and will maintain regular communication to update you on the progress.

Our Commitment

We would like to affirm the following:

  • Every piece of feedback is given due consideration and managed with utmost confidentiality.
  • A meticulous record of all feedback and consequent actions will be safeguarded.
  • Any resultant procedural or policy amendments will be duly notified to you.
  • Your ongoing relationship with May Health will remain unaffected by your choice to share feedback.

Fee Schedules

This section outlines the fee schedule for each of the clinical divisions of May Health. These divisions are:

  • May Psychology
  • May Medical
  • MAYdhd Group Program
  • May Assessment

Below you will find the standard fee for each service, missed appointment and cancellation fees, and an outline of the variety of payment and rebating options that are available at May Health.

May Psychology

May Psychology charges the following service fee for each 50 minute appointment:

Clinical Psychologist:

  • Monday to Friday: $240 (Concession: $220)

General Psychologist:

  • Monday to Friday: $220 (Concession $200)

May Medical

GP Mental Health Consultation Fees: (effective from 01/09/2024)

  • Long (60 minutes): $330 (Concession: $310)
  • Short (30 minutes): $195 (Concession: $175)
  • Brief (15 minutes): $105 (Concession: $90)

Consultation Types:

New Patients: Booked as long consultations

Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) and MHTP Review: Booked as short consultations

Mental Health Interventions (Focused Psychological Strategies or Therapy): Booked as long consultations

Medication Reviews: Booked as short consultations

Medicare Rebates:

Patients with a Medicare card are eligible for rebates, this will vary depending on the service.

Specific rebate details can be found on MBS Online or by contacting May Medical's administration for a quote or a full list of available rebates.

MAYdhd Group Program

The 8-week in-person group sessions, designed for 4-10 participants with a focus on in-depth understanding and management of ADHD through multidisciplinary evidence-based education and interventions, are priced at $960 (equivalent to $120 per session).

May Assessment

May Assessment charges the following service fee for each of the assessments listed below:

Autism Spectrum Disorder:

  • Child Assessment: $1400
  • Adult Assessment: $1200

Psychoeducational Assessment:

  • Child Assessment: $1200
  • Adult Assessment: please enquire

Developmental Assessment:

  • Child Assessment: $1200

Speech Pathology Assessment:

  • Speech and Language Assessment: $950

Misc. May Health Fees

Requests for services that are outside the usual scope of practice, such as a special report, meeting attendance, or phone call, will be charged starting at $200 an hour. Your May Health Clinician will be able to confirm which requests are outside of the usual scope of practice.

Missed Appointment & Cancellation Policy

When scheduling your appointment(s) please be mindful of our missed appointment and cancellation policy. The missed appointment and cancellation fee amount is $110 unless more than 48hours of notice is provided.

Please note that missed appointment or cancellation fees must be paid in full prior to being able to access a subsequent service. Please also note that the above time periods refer to business days (weekends are not included).

Exemptions apply for sickness and emergency. In the case of sickness, we comply with the directives of SA Health and recommend that you do not visit the clinic. In place, you will be offered a telehealth appointment to ensure consistency of care can be maintained. If you are unable to attend via telehealth the exemption will be applied.

As a courtesy we send out a reminder of your appointment 48 hours in advance. The receiving or not of this reminder text does not impact our missed appointment and cancellation policy.

Payment Options

There are two ways in which you can settle your account, these are

  • Credit or Debit
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Payment is expected to be made on the day of your appointment at May Health.

Our administrative team will discuss your preferred payment option at your initial appointment. Credit or Debit card payment will be processed after your appointment in-person if you are at the clinic or over the phone if you attended via telehealth.

Our Administration Team will provide you with the necessary details for you to make a bank transfer to cover the cost of the service if you elect to pay via EFT.

Rebate Options

You may be entitled to a rebate that will cover some or all of the cost of the service(s) you receive at May Health. The most common being from (but not limited to):

  • Medicare
  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • Private Health Insurers

Please talk to your referring entity, private health insurer, or contact us directly for more information. Any applicable rebates will be processed once payment has been received.

Medicare Bulk Billing

In instances where the Clinician or May Health bulk bills you, the patient, for services provided at the Clinic, through Telehealth, or during a Home Visit, you agree to assign your Medicare benefit directly to your treating clinician or May Health.


All fees in this document are reviewed and increase at least annually.

Youth Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide clarity as to what young people and their parents or legal guardians can expect from May Health in terms of their privacy, confidentiality, and care. This document should be read in conjunction with the May Health Privacy Policy and May Health Rights and Responsibilities Policy.

Informed Consent and Clients Under 16 Years

At May Health, we require both parents or legal guardians to consent to service provision when the patient is under 16 years of age. The only exception being when a court has judged the young person to be Gillick competent (which means the court has judged the young person to be a mature minor and able to provide informed consent for treatment). There are not any other exceptions.

Rights of Parents & Legal Guardians

Parents and Legal Guardians have certain rights to make decisions about their child's service engagement and provision, including making relevant contributions to the service, and accessing their child's service provider. These rights apply to both parents and legal guardians unless otherwise stipulated by court order. May Health abides by all relevant legislation and treats Parents and Legal Guardians equally.

What to Expect

Prior to a person under 16 years of age engaging in a service at May Health, a request will be made for any relevant court orders that make clear the relevant care and custody arrangements, and assist with the consenting process. At May Health, we will also enquire about family separations, care arrangements, and other circumstances deemed relevant to the process of informed consent. Unless court orders indicate otherwise, both parents and legal guardians will have equal rights in the consenting process, service provision, and information.

Your May Health staff members and clinicians will attempt to develop a shared understanding regarding confidentiality with both parents or legal guardians, and the patient aged under 16 years, prior to services commencing. An agreement will be made in collaboration with all parties about what information can be shared, how that sharing will occur, and the extent of both parents or legal guardian's involvement in the service. These agreements are not legally binding, however, they are made in good faith and in the best interest of the patient under 16 years of age.

Risk of Harm (Self / Other)

All exemptions to privacy and confidentiality detailed in the May Health Privacy Policy apply to young people under the age of 16 years. As stated in that policy, self injurious behaviour disclosed by clients under 16 years of age will be shared with both parents or legal guardians. Every attempt will be made to ensure this disclosure happens in collaboration with the youth client.